Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Do you know which man made the discovery of blood group ABO?
Landsteiner discovered the ABO Blood Group system in 1901, which is one of the most important landmark discoveries in the Transfusion Medicine
Now day's science has gone so far that can't be explain with the help of science we have made many thing but still now, scientist can't make blood. That's why we say BLOOD is so important.

Make donating blood with regularity a part of your life. The process is simple and safe. Minority groups have something special to give. Different groups of people have different percentages of blood types. Thus, it is important that every ethnic group participate in blood donation programs. Remember: you can save the life of a friend, a neighbor, and also a family member.

Our body has 5.5 ltr of blood of which only 350 ml - 450 ml of blood is taken depending upon weight of donor. Majority of healthy adults can tolerate withdrawal of one unit of blood. The withdrawn blood volume is restored within 24 hours and the hemoglobin and cell components are restored in 2 months. Therefore it is safe to donate blood every three months.People who are injected with the diseases they can't give BLOOD donation. If by chance they give blood donation thats not a give problem because donated blood undergoes various tests like blood grouping antibody detection, testing of infections like hepatitis, AIDS, Malaria, syphilis and before it reaches the recipient it undergoes compatibility testing with the recipient blood.
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